20 September 2015


There is a plan without a house
And a sky without a vault,
Upon this morning's hour:
In a house without a plan,
When a sky that's touched the sun
Touches your finger on the sill.

10 September 2015


Unhoused by my father's death,
A generation gone,
In a steady rain roofless then
And still, when a voice in the street
Calls my name, and I enter 
His last years: what do I see now
That he saw then?  Unhoused
Are we all, andd both together.


06 September 2015



Assumed to be armed
And dangerous:
An individual; or dull,
Or wearily or amusingly
Incisive, a person known
To a coterie, to some, or few,
To the authorities, or none.
Many would make an audience,
And then where would you be?
Oh to be a message
In a multitudinous sea! 

02 September 2015

2579, (w/apologies to Knausgaard)

I thought to tell Linda
To go to damnation,
But first had to finish the souffle,
And the Brussels sprouts were just done.
Damn her for my suffering I thought,
Uncorking a Swedish Merlot;
And felt almost seared by my love for her.