24 May 2009


In sensation is the motion
Of sense in memory
With time's front commingled
By extinction made--
As, lightly breathing,
This sky descend and groove a field

Of what is past.

17 May 2009

In the map of the garden is a quality there
Of the reflective echelon's
Third removal from invention.
Let me not name a flower
But my own unsymboled
And soiled fingers mine
From strange earth continued.

10 May 2009

Think the shadow all
And parent to its casting--
And in the sunlit square opacity
As Substance masquerade--
So actions cover thought unseen
Yet reside in its seeming.


07 May 2009

To accommodate the time
Let your back pocket--
For an hour's infinite small
In some increment--
Or leave consideration
Til that thought without echo,
When instant take a world.

04 May 2009

Enlarge the season you petals--
Dishape the air
And necessary earth
With your waves make palings
Of the green;
Re-dimension the time--
Unfold my winter eye.