805 To perspective multipedes Of onlyness, Is city sky-- To wides of stone and narrows roofed-- And lens-- all eyes in one encapsuled.
14 December 2008
804 Sensing thought in shadows of leaves Was my self-conversion-- To read the semaphore Of green conversation, A natural dispensation. Now is my proximal fellow Both ocean creation And sky-wrought simplification.
12 December 2008
10 December 2008
802 Necessary at a remove-- Compulsion's intention-- To keep ajar the sealed valve Of doors. Letters to oneself Unwritten, lodged--there-- In a gesture, A rotation of a hand To recall the grasp to its devising.
08 December 2008
06 December 2008
05 December 2008
03 December 2008
798 I saw a bird fly in the night-- It seemed that she could see The nature of a path that was Invisible to me. Instead of dark impediment But feeding inner cast-- A sustenance interior Made future what was past. Vermillion was created twice, The second at her cost-- Avian--assumed--submitted-- A shell of love unglossed.
02 December 2008
01 December 2008
796 A loom of storm the muse, Voiceless to change the air-- Without electric conviction's False strike and instant shadow-- As Io by Saturn skyed-- Await calamity.