805 To perspective multipedes Of onlyness, Is city sky-- To wides of stone and narrows roofed-- And lens-- all eyes in one encapsuled.
14 December 2008
804 Sensing thought in shadows of leaves Was my self-conversion-- To read the semaphore Of green conversation, A natural dispensation. Now is my proximal fellow Both ocean creation And sky-wrought simplification.
12 December 2008
10 December 2008
802 Necessary at a remove-- Compulsion's intention-- To keep ajar the sealed valve Of doors. Letters to oneself Unwritten, lodged--there-- In a gesture, A rotation of a hand To recall the grasp to its devising.
08 December 2008
06 December 2008
05 December 2008
03 December 2008
798 I saw a bird fly in the night-- It seemed that she could see The nature of a path that was Invisible to me. Instead of dark impediment But feeding inner cast-- A sustenance interior Made future what was past. Vermillion was created twice, The second at her cost-- Avian--assumed--submitted-- A shell of love unglossed.
02 December 2008
01 December 2008
796 A loom of storm the muse, Voiceless to change the air-- Without electric conviction's False strike and instant shadow-- As Io by Saturn skyed-- Await calamity.
29 November 2008
28 November 2008
27 November 2008
26 November 2008
25 November 2008
24 November 2008
788 The bridge must bear the carriage, Or no bridge be-- But you, beyond breath, What quality? The song unthought is not a score-- I see a shadow, nothing more; And I, like shadow, in your eye, Categorical--defy.
22 November 2008
785 The city church Fronts appointed haste. The spiritual man Hinged slant to the stone presence Sits astep--landscape Guised, grimed, smoking Hand-rolled, Psalm toned Accompaniment To his vesper tot In pocket.
21 November 2008
20 November 2008
19 November 2008
18 November 2008
17 November 2008
779 Opportunity spright, You darting bird To catch a fellow Fled oblivion. In the harrow Is heaven next; Of it-- The world a field.
15 November 2008
777 Tested fear lays his ribbon Red as guidance down In wide supposition's unposted race. . Light will have her strict shadow Yet the cast's design's depending On the unfixed eye's hapless place. . The red runs through The field become Stippled subjective And other-- My foot falls And eye-- On dark and bright.
13 November 2008
12 November 2008
10 November 2008
09 November 2008
773 The moon's in the window Diminished--such glory, To be small-- A far note become melody In remembrance-- Sharp now deflected. Peripheral; not to essay A reflection.
08 November 2008
07 November 2008
769 Snow autumn Yellow ginkgo Wings of butter- Fly abandoned From startled grasp--such Inclement news!
04 November 2008
767 To notch the epoch Upon time's rule, And name it category-- Or tell a being that her thoughts Encordoned lie Within temporal whim-- Would great circumference Crimp to small-- Or throne a pearl, Entire queen-- Her crown beyond your reach.
02 November 2008
01 November 2008
765 Were inadequate certain to beauty, Might the gap the measure be Of necessity? The scale bent: mending balance-- Grace--the misshape of perfection.
30 October 2008
763 How different in the passage, Season and eye, of propinquity To furtive end? Guarded additions, scroll sky--then-- Hushed discollection.