370 In the morning kitchen the floor is barred with the partners Light and dark bipolar, Eyeless in extremity. . To pace the span to natured end, or put elbow to rail in pre-silence, Were self-construction In duplicate purpose. . The best of dark and bright Seems birth-ordained illusion, And disillusion then a glass, the world beyond.
28 August 2007
27 August 2007
368 The sunday august pale street morning Furling out the flagged mats slap Gainst the post, car cleaning, She swung them shaped in her swinging Woman be so nor emblem nor other In her hip curved cleaning Of the car.
26 August 2007
24 August 2007
23 August 2007
22 August 2007
21 August 2007
20 August 2007
19 August 2007
356 A silence as if its medium were gone, The key depressed the skin caressed The answer drawn away In solitudes of many rooms On trainless platforms waiting Being is it, stepping shadow to light To shadow constructions Of fear and elation; it is itself merely. In rain the water pools uncollected.
14 August 2007
355 The boundary turns with the turner, And a far stir of sky dusts a sandal. The methodical air treats with but one observer, And the memory of a distant other, With eyes raised up, apart Conjoined in the circumambient sea.
13 August 2007
354 White stone in a field smooth to softness, Fellow to the waves in time and chance grace, In my palm warm with confederate urgency; Extrinsic to none.
12 August 2007
"What swimming person, provided he is not about to drown, can help being in excellent spirits?" --Robert Walser
11 August 2007
352 Tended heart, if it waits, Waits for death in its beating Conjugation of days and hours Years marking, being, time. Untended middle, first, last, In single strand unfated.
08 August 2007
349 This mind garden is stillness, yet hush the north sea: I'll not hear it for fear, or love, of thee.
06 August 2007
348 This over-reaching sky tells the smallness of our haste. Still this touch, still leaf, flower; We've spent this hour in three. The sky's moment descending admits our arms' vast sweep, Our eyes' myriad compass, one breath a life, A handclasp become a thing incorporate. In this uncustomed place our thought is voice, Our dream and fear undoored as an empty room.
04 August 2007
03 August 2007
346 Summer in still empire City in barred noon segmented Light; columned cell wall shadow, Or 'neath a slatted porch on the sea.