302 As ice, is near-artistry, The still element impediment To a pale flame That burns still in a small room. . This finger's singular grasp Is sufficient to itself Yet its compass is a small round To orbits on a solar plane.
29 May 2007
28 May 2007
27 May 2007
25 May 2007
297 Vouchsafe yourself your soul your hidden memory, Your ungarmented being's wardrobe-- Frayed, mended, or new-fashioned selves-- Kept in closet. And in that instant be perhaps The sand on a beach patterned by a rain.
23 May 2007
22 May 2007
294 Intimacy in fancy, the ether touch on elbow Tiding in a winter beach. . Youth's summoning grace, A memory surfeit. . Wine dark-glassed alone, A bent assay.
19 May 2007
293 In the loss of affection one finds The mirror's seeming distortion true in its warp. Co-mingled regard dissolved, And this distillation in the glass beheld, There seems a diminution in sight. Dual apprehension divided: The remainder a bent single vision.
17 May 2007
292 Without, it is motion's time-- The measure of bounded space Breeding seconds in the magined points' traverse. . Within, illusioned stillness mocks itself-- In the boundless confine Something unstill prevails.
15 May 2007
13 May 2007
12 May 2007
11 May 2007
287 It's salutary and normal To sin in religion as others do As others trembling laugh And pray and pay their living From fear's thick purse it's normal And salutary in guilt to lose one's way; else, Nature's unruled sheet guideless rules.
09 May 2007
06 May 2007
05 May 2007
284 Matter undreamt, and dreams more To undo to surrender; to forgive The hard light columned, the sharp blossoms that cut And draw red finger's coils-- That coin and hello That dull-eyed queue That formulation of banal catastrophe: A coffee, a token, a strand of wicked hair.