260 In the day's cathedral, Spring's sermon on birth And the stained glass windowed wings of insects Stay with no philosophy. Ethical consultants, strutting Geese, lawn the analysis. The almighty praxis In this symbology of wood Is stamped from without, And the priestly red epaulets Of blackbirds wooded and stained Flash heedlessly in the signless sun.
29 March 2007
259 The packet crushed the Eleemosynary absinthe Drained. . The text written the Elegant calculus Absorbed. . Traduced and studied the Elementary poison Consumed.
27 March 2007
26 March 2007
257 There is an edge in sensibility Intermediate to the constellations of the five-- A chiaroscuro of perception Between knowing and known: The stars after heaven, beauty before your brow.
25 March 2007
256 There are strange flowers in this garden With no petals to give form to the air, But a distance that makes a body of a thought, Raked and coiled.
24 March 2007
23 March 2007
21 March 2007
252 To coin a pattern by nature engraved Is best learned's art-- Understanding and nodding by's fellows. Then explication by some on bended knee, (Or grave disagreement from the shadows)-- And worship from would-believers Who make a fetish of a phrase to dun those seen below, Who post-lounge in the coiner's sun.
20 March 2007
17 March 2007
249 The road taken that day, A blind alley, was a consummation of the eye: To see so clearly needed A weeding of necessity. Causality's illusions, field lilies, etc. A raven too called out, a silhouette sound. Fellow traveler. I, for one, had to sweep the snow, Had to, before the onset, or the issue, of the illness. Seeing necessity. A raven in a tree.
14 March 2007
13 March 2007
11 March 2007
244 We took a walk in the park today Where the air trembled with nothingness, Somewhat damp, And a squirrel held his tale like a boa-- Nothing, to him. Or was it being? With a fonted sky Toiled over with words convexed, concaved: The bulging topology of clouds, Wisped, perhaps, by prickly italics. At any rate, our thoughts seemed as fellows, And no vapor arose about us.
10 March 2007
09 March 2007
240 The encompassing shallow-hearted deity That was, is not-- Nor space nor time But the particulate word Enchanting: the sea of suns Is measured. The primer's eluctable equations, monks' cribs, Are now stranged, flavored, and spun To the depth and breadth of the matter-- And the maker's extremity, finger extended, Is uncurtained as a clockwork chaos.
08 March 2007
07 March 2007
06 March 2007
236 Unblink and it remains, The glass edges, the antemeridian light, The four sisters in Sunday's weeds Called from Wednesday tasks. Now--bone ache, cow shit, prairie wind so tired of it. But there's a thing to do and another after, And I'll not stop. I'll not stop.